Bike Utah
PO Box 4523
Salt Lake City, UT 84110
Phil Sarnoff,
Executive Director
Ever since he went on a 10-mile ride when he was in the 1st grade, Phil has loved bicycles and has always encouraged more people to get out and ride. As Executive Director, Phil handles everything Bike Utah, including membership, legislative work, fundraising, coordinating with partner organizations, and planning the Utah Bike Summit.
Phil’s work experience includes Program Manager for GREENbike (Salt Lake City’s bike share program), SmartTrips Coordinator for Salt Lake City’s Division of Sustainability, Environmental Education Teacher for the Peace Corps in Kazakhstan, and Coordinator for the Outdoor Recreation Program at North Dakota State University. He has a Ph.D. in Parks, Recreation, and Tourism from the University of Utah. Outside of work, Phil rides for the SaltCycle-Intelitechs Bike Racing Team, coordinates SLC Bike Party, and spends the rest of his time on skis.
Board of Directors
Riley Cutler
This is Riley’s 3rd year on the Bike Utah board of directors. He spends most of his time promoting Utah as a bicycling friendly state particularly through the Utah Bike Summit and the organization of bike rides. He feels Utah’s broad-based, bicycle community is poised to be very influential.
Riley is an outdoor industry expert, small business owner, backcountry skier, and wilderness hiker. He has been riding a bike since he was 4 years old and is mostly a recreation rider. The three bikes currently in Riley’s stable are a road bike, a nice full suspension mountain bike, and an old hard tail turned commuter bike that gets the most use.
Ken Johnson
Ken has been involved in bicycle advocacy since 2004. He was one of the founding members of the Utah Bicycle Coalition, now Bike Utah. He has served as a board member and president from 2009 to 2010. He has served as the chair of the legislative committee and co-chair of the 2012 Utah Bike Summit committee. Ken has served as a ride organizer for many of the Josie Johnson Memorial Rides. He was involved in Bike Utah’s efforts to pass the Three Foot Law and the Share the Road license plates through the state legislature in 2005 and 2009 respectively. Ken is an avid recreational cyclist and enjoys many of the organized road and mountain bike events throughout Utah. Ken, his wife Jennifer, and four children have lived in Sandy, Utah since 1996 when Ken relocated to the Wasatch front from Washington DC after retiring from the US Army. Ken now works as an anesthesiologist at the University of Utah.
Matt Sibul
Matt is a mountain, commuter, and road cyclist who has been on the Bike Utah Board since August of 2011. Matt has a passion for linking all modes of non-auto trips through active transportation–walking, biking, and transit. When he’s not at his office at the Utah Transit Authority, he’s usually out trying to keep up with his wife and two girls, ages 12 and 10.
Dave Iltis
Dave Iltis is editor for Cycling Utah (cyclingutah.com), the regional bike magazine. He has worked in the cycling industry for almost 25 years, and has been a bike advocate for most of that time. His adventure with bike advocacy started with working to make storm grates in Salt Lake County safe for bicycles. He later chaired the Salt Lake City Mayor’s Bicycle Advisory Committee for 5 years and helped guide SLC to a Silver Level Bike Friendly Community Award. He has been on the board of Bike Utah (formerly Utah Bicycle Coalition) since 2005, and helped create the Share the Road license plates. He enjoys both road cycling and mountain biking, and has raced, toured, and commuted throughout the West. He moved to Utah to ski, stayed for the biking, and now snowboards regularly. He has degrees in math, computer science, and anthropology. His mission is to change the world through cycling.
Diane Rosenberg
Diane has been a road cycling enthusiast for nearly five years. Cycling has provided her with an opportunity to experience many of the scenic wonders of Utah. As a co-biking director for the Wasatch Mountain Club, she encourages others to participate in all types of cycling on a regular basis. She is interested in safety measures and the creation of cycling infrastructure that promotes cycling for commuters and recreational users of all ages.
Diane is also on the board of Utah Clean Energy, which advances renewable energy, energy efficiency and improvement in our air quality. Better air quality dovetails with making Utah more bike friendly!
Chad Mullins, Chair
Having grown up in a small town in rural Utah, Chad always enjoyed outdoor activities and biking is his preferred choice of transport. Chad believes biking in combination with public transit is one of the most affordable and effective ways people can contribute to clean air and sustainability. He hopes to encourage more people to bike and to make people feel safer and more comfortable biking on roads and commuting.
Retired from a career in finance as president of a financial services firm, Chad tries to make amends as a bike advocate. For the past six years, Chad has been engaged in re-education, finding courses in urban/transportation planning and environmental studies at the University of Utah refreshing compared to long ago degrees in engineering from the U of U and an MBA from Harvard. Chad served for 3 years as the Chair of the Salt Lake County Bicycle Advisory Committee and writes op-eds on biking and transportation issues for local newspapers.
Kanita Lipjankic, Treasurer
Growing up in Europe, biking was the primary form of transportation in Kanita’s family. She has called Salt Lake home for more than a decade now and has seen it transform tremendously. Kanita is excited to see Bike Utah take biking in the state to new heights. You will most likely see her riding to downtown Salt Lake on a beautiful, sunny day. She admits, however, that she has yet to bike in the snow.
Kanita is currently an Associate in Celtic Bank’s commercial lending department. Prior to joining Celtic Bank, she served as the Director of Education at Kaplan in Sacramento, California, and as the Interim Assistant Dean in the University of Utah College of Humanities. Kanita graduated from the University of Utah with bachelor’s degrees in Anthropology, International Studies, and German, including a minor in psychology. She holds dual master’s degrees, a master in languages and literature from the University of Utah and an MBA with an emphasis in finance from the Indiana University Kelley School of Business. In addition, to serving as treasurer for Bike Utah, Kanita also serves on the Board of Directors of two local nonprofits; Women of the World and Repertory Dance Theater
Tara McKee
Tara got into bicycling as an adult while cross-training for marathon. With that first swift ride on a road bike, she was hooked. After moving from Spokane to Salt Lake City in 2008, she shifted her focus from triathlons to advocacy and quickly became involved with the Salt Lake Mayor’s Bicycle Advisory Committee, Salt Lake City’s Bicycle Month festivities, and helped to launch the Salt Lake City Bicycle Summit. Tara joined Bike Utah in the summer of 2010 and took up responsibilities for the 2011 Utah Bike Summit. She has also been deeply involved with the Road Respect campaign since its start in 2011.
Tara ran Cycle & Style, a website devoted to getting women into bicycling, for over three years. She has also written numerous freelance articles and has focused on women’s cycling. She became involved with the Governor’s Outdoor Recreation Advisory group and researched and wrote the Utah Outdoor Recreation Vision, which was presented by Governor Gary Herbert during the Outdoor Retailer show in January 2013. She now works in Utah’s Outdoor Recreation Office within the Governor’s Office of Economic Development as the Outdoor Recreation Coordinator. Tara is married and the mother of four children.
Shawn Teigen
Shawn’s first and last bike team experience was in high school on an Astro-Daimler 12-speed (which he still rides on occasion, though now with a Sturmey Archer 3-speed). Since then he has come in DFL in several mountain and road races. These days, most of his time in the saddle is bicycle commuting, medium touring, and simply lazing around on short rides. He’s most often seen on an old, repainted Some Smoothie and a newer Salsa Vaya.
Shawn is a research analyst for Utah Foundation, a non-profit, non-partisan “think tank.” Prior to that he was an advocate and lobbyist. He serves on the board of directors of several organizations, including as chairperson of the Salt Lake City Housing Trust Fund Advisory Board. Shawn has always been an active volunteer, including two years in Kazakhstan with the U.S. Peace Corps.
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